How To Use
Massage as pre-bath butter.
Can also be used after shower. Excellent to use for body massage.
Tip: For extra hydration, mix Basil & Lavender Body Butter with Raatrani & Mint Moisturizing Body Lotion by taking a dollop of both mix on your palm, apply.
When used regularly, skin complexion is even, moisturized & supple. Thus, keeping skin clean & detoxified.
Wheat Germ Oil, Basil Essential Oil, Lavender Essential Oil, Sthulaila, Ela/Suksmaila, Jati, Tuvrak, Kustha, Priyangu, Sprikka, Aguru, Coconut Butter, Almond Oil, Guggulu, Kokum, Jatamansi, Til Oil, Bees Wax, Apricot Oil.